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In the centre of town : at the heart of the community

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Welcome to St John's Frome!


Cherishing our inheritance of Christian faith and worship, we welcome all and share the joy of the Gospel message in Christ, through concern for the wholeness of individuals and active involvement in community life in all its diversity. 

​Services for February 2025


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Friday 7th February 

12.30pm Holy Communion.

Bring your lunchtime sandwiches to eat afterwards.


Sunday 9th February - Fourth before Lent

9.45am Holy Communion

5.00pm Evening Prayer


Friday 14th February 

12.30pm Holy Communion.

Bring your lunchtime sandwiches to eat afterwards.


Sunday 16th February - Third before Lent

9.45am Holy Communion

5.00pm Evening Prayer


Weekly Online Sunday Service (Zoom)

​8.45am Morning Service each Sunday

Details can be found in the 'Weekly pew sheet'.


Weekly Opening Times

St John's  is open for visitors, individual private prayer and reflection daily, usually from 9.30am to 3.30pm. 


​Next 'Open Doors'

These are the monthly Saturday morning sessions at which weddings and christenings can be booked, and they are held on the second Saturday of the month.

Next session: 

​Saturday 8th February 2025  - 10.30am to 12 noon

News  from St John's
New vicar!
Our new vicar, Rev. Seamus Hargrave, is with us!
His welcome service was on Monday 3rd February,
a very joyful occasion.
Two new weekly services!

​Weekday Communion Service – Fridays at 12.30pm
Starting this coming Friday, 7th February in the Lady Chapel. Feel free to bring your lunchtime sandwiches.


Evening service – Sundays at 5pm

Starting this coming Sunday, 9th February in either the Lady Chapel or the Ken Chapel.
On the 3rd Sunday of every month, this will be an Evensong preceded by a short music practice and tea and cake.

360° tour of St John's


Unable to visit in person, or wanting a guide to show you around when visiting us?

Then please click on the image for a guided 360° tour of St John's parish church.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Steve Smith. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact Steve on:

 01373 454083 / 07548 250805 or email:  For more information click here.


To report a concern to the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, click here.

© 2019-24 St John's Church, Frome  BA11 1PL            Registered Charity 1133925            Email:

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